
Producer of mountain sports equipment

Coloro customer since 2019

Interview / Quotes attributed to:
Vaude’s Global Head of Design and Design Manager

When looking for a specific color...“The difference between using Coloro and competitors is like the difference between finding information on Wikipedia vs. an encyclopedia.”

Get Color Right

Get Color Right

Vaude recognized the importance of color to the success of a product. However, without relevant creative or data-driven trend guidance, Vaude found it challenging to make the right color choice for upcoming products based on unproven trends.

With Coloro

Coloro + WGSN’s seasonal Key Colors trend report allow Vaude designers to make confident color choices when selecting upcoming seasonal palettes. Vaude also has access to Coloro's standard library of 3,500+ colors. The intuitive and easy-to-use system makes it simple (and fun!) for Vaude to find, choose and achieve the right color.

“When you open the books, it’s a feeling of – wow, it’s fun and I like to work with it!”

Create Conscious Color

Create Conscious Color

Working with an unreliable cotton standard from the previous provider made it harder to achieve matching colors in synthetic fibers, resulting in wasted resources, time and shipping.

With Coloro

Using Coloro’s consistent physical and digital standard, Vaude can achieve the right color in fewer tries and in a shorter time, thereby reducing wasted resources and extra shipments. Swatches made out of polyester are also easier to match with Vaude materials and last longer, resulting in a more responsible outcome.

“We are trying to build a reputation for sustainability and make this approach visible to our customers - color is an important part of this.”

Work With Ease

Work With Ease

Lack of support from Vaude’s previous color provider left them feeling isolated, often experiencing delays and without color code information.

With Coloro

Vaude receives far superior account management and support services. The Coloro team are proactive in providing quick and precise feedback, guidance in color workshops and technical support around color achievability.

“The speed and handling our color team experienced while working with the (Coloro) system was a good surprise.”

More case studies

“Coloro feels like the direction in which color systems should be going. Coloro in three words? Abundance of options.”

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“Anything I can think of, they are able to offer...the Coloro team are constantly following up, to ask what can be done to help”

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